

I love to-do lists. LOVE them. Of course, we've already established that I'm far better at making lists than completing them. But, that is neither here nor there. In my defense, accomplishing more things on my to-to lists is actually something ON my to-do list.

Some of my favorite "lists" are things I want check off during a particular season. And, my favorite season is FALL, so naturally, creating a fall bucket list is something I thought I should do!

And, that just happens to be today's blog-tember challenge!

Today's prompt: Your fall bucket list. What do you want to do before winter rolls around?

There are lots of similar type lists on pinterest. I thought I would take some of my favorites from those lists and add a few of my personal to-do's and create a little Fall Bucket List for myself (and you, if you're interested!).

Our temps are still in the upper 80s/lower 90s. While that is better than the 100 degree days we had over the summer, I just can't wait for the temperature to dip a little bit more!!


  1. Great list! Yes to all things pumpkin!! (ps-- I totally stole your graphic and used it on my blog! With appropriate credit, of course. :) Hope you don't mind!!)

  2. Loving your list! Gotta do some of these, too!

  3. P.S.: I'm asking on a {last minute} whim... But, do you already have someone to "swap" blogs with for tomorrow's Blog-tember Challenge guest post thingamajig? If not {& you want to, of course}, I'd love to swap with ya! =)
    P.P.S.: I'm a terrible procrastinator.

  4. Hocus Pocus is required to be watched during fall weather... I totally agree with that one. In fact, I am kinda hankering to watch it right now haha
