

Happy Sunday y'all!

Plugging along with the blog-tember challenge another day. I have loved doing this so much, that I have decided to do another challenge in October, which I will talk about more on Tuesday!!

Today's prompt: What were your highs and lows for this month?

When I first started thinking about this, I (ever the optimist) figured I would have no problem coming up with the lows. But really, I only came up with a few! And, most of them directly correlate to a high. So... that is exciting. Maybe the tides really are turning in my life. Lord knows I'm ready for that!!

I'm going to start with the lows. We can get them out of the way first thing...and then focus on the good stuff.

:: My diet has been just awful. We have been eating out way too much. We try to do mostly salads and grilled chicken. But still. I need to up my domestic skills and start meal planning and making healthy dinners for us. We are seriously considering doing Whole 30. But, the few times we have tried to start it, poor planning has caused us to get off track (usually within a day or two). Ha.

:: I'm REALLY frustrated with just about every aspect of my life right now. This has led to a bunch of meltdowns, including one really big one the other day. But, I feel like I'm on the verge of making changes, so I think this is just sort of the emotional workings of all that.

:: My allergies. They have been super, super bad this past week. I may claw my eyes out today.

:: The heat. I realize I have no control over this. But, by mid-September every year...I'm just OVER it. I hate feeling sweaty and gross... just walking to my car.

Okay, so those are really the only down points I can think of this month. I mean, I'm sure there were lots of other little things, but the fact that I can't even recall them quickly gives proof they couldn't have been that bad, right?

The highs!

:: I mentioned being frustrated with my life as one of my lows. This is unfortunately something I've experienced for many, many months (years?!). The sad thing is as much as I wanted change, I never actually wanted to MAKE the changes. Hey, at least I was being honest! NOW? I'm ready!!! I feel like the last few months have really pushed me to my breaking point. I'm excited to start changing things up!!

:: I've only lost about 9 pounds since I went back to Weight Watchers earlier this year. I've maintained that loss for about 2 months. BUT, I'm okay with that. At least it's not going the wrong direction!!!

:: My baby niece turned 2!! Love her bunches.

:: I've started blogging regularly. And, I LOVE blogging again. I had just got so burnt out that it wasn't even fun anymore. Again, I'm thankful for Bailey and her prompts this month!

:: I made a to-do list (this isn't anything new) and I'm actually marking things off (this is a new thing! haha). I'll be sharing that on Tuesday also, but I'm pretty excited to have had a fairly productive (by my standards) month! Accomplishing these goals (even the small ones) empowers me to set even more goals. Here's to an even more exciting October!

:: FOOTBALL is back!!!! Amen.

Hope y'all had a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm on Day 15 of Whole30. The biggest thing is preparation & having tons of fresh produce on hand. It's not so easy when my husband isn't eating the same foods that I am but I am determined. The forum on their website has TONS of info!

    I'm ready for cooler weather myself!
