

I'm loving the prompts Bailey picked for blog-tember. I always went through blogging lulls in the past because I never felt motivated to post about anything. Ha. Anyway, today's topic is all about fashion trends...the good and the bad.

While I wouldn't say that I'm all that into fashion...I do like clothes...and I do enjoy looking as cute as I can. That being said...I'm in a bit of an outfit rut right now. I told myself that I wouldn't buy any new clothes till I lost some weight. And, since I have not had any success there in quite a while...things are getting kind of sad around here.

Anyway...I'm not sure I'm much of a trend follower. I've never really liked to "dress up" either. I'm a big fan of (distressed) blue jeans. And leopard print. And stripes. I think these are all pretty timeless...so hopefully...I never have to worry about being out of style. 

I live in Texas, so cowboy boots have always been in style...but I feel like they are a bigger trend here lately. There are so many styles available...and I adore pretty much all of them. They look great with jeans, shorts, dresses, etc. I even wore cowboy boots to my wedding reception.

As for things I'm not loving? I don't know...I guess to each their own.

But, you won't be seeing me in super short shorts or high waisted pants any time soon. I also don't like wide leg pants. Maybe because I'm short? Not a big fan of skinny jeans either...but that is probably because there is nothing skinny about me. 


  1. Leopard IS a neutral! Loving those boots! (especially the sequin-y ones!)

  2. I know right!
    "what if I finally lose some weight after getting these jeans? "
    Well, never happened.. Sigh.. >,<

  3. I love that you wore cowboy boots to your wedding! You're awesome!

  4. Boots are the best any time of day!!

  5. Love all that leopard! Its in my post too ;)
